Wednesday 21 March 2018

5 Ways to Improve Your Job Interview Communication Skills


You have very few opportunities to prove yourself during your job interview. The initial first impression is one (which is why you must dress for the interview, smile,  etc.). There is your resume and qualifications (if you worked in the business before, your answers are naturally more impressive). Then there is your ability to communicate. How well you communicate with your interviewers is an indicator of how personable you are, and the employers want to hire people that are personable. Below are several different tips for improving your ability to communicate with your job interview.
Communication Tips for Applicants
  • Start Strong

First and foremost, as soon as you have an opportunity to speak, start talking. Talk loudly and confidently. If you start out shy or reserved, it is going to be very hard for you to get yourself to turn it on later. Start talking from the moment you say hello and you will be able to keep it up for longer without the nervousness kicking in.
  • Talk First

Introducing yourself to people first is a good way to make sure that communication is instigated right away. Again, the more you defer to others to force you to speak, the harder it is to speak later. When you meet someone new, make an effort to introduce yourself first and engage in pleasant conversation.
  • Make Eye Contact

People feel you are more friendly when you make eye contact. Part of communication is body language, so this eye contact is important if you want to make sure the interviewer (and anyone else you meet) appreciates your company.
  • Be Friendly

You want people to like you in general. Being friendly is the best way to do this. This also means that you should refrain from sarcasm, since sarcasm – no matter how funny – has a natural unfriendly quality to it.
  • Engage in Discussions

Interestingly, one of the best ways to open up great communication is to present a disagreement up for discussions. It is disagreements, not agreements, that stimulate good discussion. It’s hard to have a conversation when your only response is “Um… I agree, because of all the stuff that you said.” Don’t be afraid to disagree with your interviewer provided you present your argument in an interesting and friendly way.     
                             Good Communication Will Help You Get a Job
Your ability to communicate is on trial at your job interview. If you can hone your communication skills, you should be able to impress employers with your intelligence and personality. Using the above tips, you will be able to engage in conversation and help yourself appear interesting to the interviewer.

  • Practice speaking first and often.
  • Don’t be afraid to disagree.
  • Watch your body language and stay friendly.

I hope you have found the above Information useful.

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Saturday 17 February 2018

Basic Interview Tips For Freshers

                         Top 10 Basic Interview Tips for Freshers

The ultimate goal of studying hard is to get a job. But many of the bright students who are intelligent in their studies fail in interview round. The aim of this post is to provide some basic interview tips for freshers which help them in clearing their job interview successfully. While giving an interview the main concern of the interviewee is to impress his/her interviewer. So here are some basic interview tips for freshers that help you in clearing your interview.

Basic Interview Tips for Freshers:

1) Information about the Company

Before attending any interview for any company, make sure you know enough about the company and you are willing to work in this company. To do this, Go through the history and the present position of the company. It will help you to understand them and make you more confident.

2) Your Resume

A resume is the main intangible tool to get a job. Prepare your resume according to the job profile. Highlight your strength required for the job. Remember one thing, that the points you are mentioning in it should be the ones, you are really intended to. This should not be bombastic and not be false just to impress the interviewer.

3) Practice Makes You Perfect

Practice the way of your speaking and answer the questions which are often asked. Improve your communication skill. If you are good at communication, half of your job is done.

4) Arrive Early

In today’s rushing world, no one can waste their precious time for waiting for someone. So arrive five-minute early. So that you can relax there. It will also depict your punctuality.

5) Dress Like you mean Business

Your dressing sense is the mirror of your personality. It defines the society you belong to. Dress like you are a part of them. Always wear a formal suit. Look like a professional.

6) Switch Off your Phone

The disturbance is not acceptable in any form and the job is more important than your one call or a message, so turn off your phone before entering.

7) Show Enthusiasm

Give an answer with such a great feel so that interviewer can feel your enthusiasm for the job in your voice only.

8) Keep Eye Contact

It is required to have an eye to eye contact with the interviewer because it shows your confidence and your honesty.

9) Be Yourself

Be natural in front of the interviewer. Don’t try to copy an accent which you will not able to continue after some time.

10) Be a Part of them

Try to connect yourself with them, show your interest that you want to be a part of their family.

These are some basic interview tips for freshers; if you want to clear your interview successfully then you must have to follow all the above tips.

There are some questions that are often asked in an Interview-

Q1. Tell me about yourself?

Q2. Why should we hire you?
Q3. What are your salary expectations?
Q4. Which is more important to you money or growth?
Answer such questions clearly and to the point. Don’t try to explain them like a story reading, do not be argumentative while answering, address politely and with confidence.
We all know the importance of prestigious jobs in our life and it’s not easy to grab such jobs for the first time. These are the basic interview tips for freshers. So, if you really want to clear your interview then must remember all the above points.

I hope you have found the above Information useful.

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